Welcome - Croeso
We are an averaged-sized primary school on the outskirts of Swansea, where all children are encouraged to achieve their best irrespective of race, colour or disability – ‘Work hard, be kind’ is our school motto.
We aim to achieve a positive and inclusive learning community for all of our children.
At Portmead, we aim to provide a wide range of opportunities in order for all pupils to grow in confidence and self-esteem, maturing into well-rounded individuals who have a lifelong pleasure in learning.
We are fortunate to be located in extensive school grounds, which enhance our learning environment and enable our children to enjoy a wide variety of sports and physical activities.
We believe that a successful learning environment is achieved through a wide variety of experiences and opportunities, with the children’s needs placed at the centre of everything that we do. We believe that children learn best when they feel safe, happy and secure in an invigorating environment.
We aim to ensure that all learners are prepared for a world of ever-changing technological advances. We are committed to providing up-to-date resources and equipment
You are most welcome to visit – just give us a call.
Mrs Allison Evans